In cooperation there is power!

A few local cultural actors decided through happy coincidences to start working on a new kind of communal activity in the city. There was a lack of versatile and affordable spaces in the city. Savonlinna Kulttuurikellari ry was founded on December 29, 2017, and 42 people came to the founding meeting.
The association maintains a communal cultural space, the Savonlinnan Kulttuurikellari. The purpose is to promote the operational opportunities of various cultural actors. The association does not primarily function as an event organizer, but instead rents space to various operators.
In the first year of operation in 2018, the Savonlinna Kulttuurikellari ry had a total of around 200 members, of which 20 were community members.
At the association's annual meeting on 23 May 2022, Matti Makkonen (president), Veera Kolehmainen (vice president), Vesa Filppula, Sameli Järvisalo, Hanna-Riikka Karjalainen, Taimi Lehtilä, Mikko Nurmela and Timo Tuominen were elected as board members. Jarkko Kääriäinen and Matias Sivonen were elected alternate members.
Yhdistyksen hallitus 2024-2026
Veera Kolehmainen, pj
Outi Rantasuo, varapj
Matti Makkonen, rahastonhoitaja
Vesa Filppula (varajäsen Max Kallinen)
Sameli Järvisalo
Kira Boesen-Muhonen
Mikko Juvonen
Petri Katajarinne